San Lorenzo Church

Church of San Lorenzo

It has its origins in the old military chapel of the Salvaterra Castle but it will not be until the end of the 16th century, when it was established as a parish center. 

Its Renaissance façade stands out, in which a small sculpture of the patron saint of the town, San Lorenzo, is located. 

At the base of the columns of the doorway there are several reliefs of arms symbols and noble coats of arms, samples of the Portuguese occupation. 

Inside, a great figure of the Holy Christ of Victory from 1732, remembers the hard confrontations that once took place in this border territory and the victory of the Castilians over the Portuguese.

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Council: Salvaterra de Miño
Parish: Salvaterra de Miño (San Lorenzo)
Place: Praza do Castelo
Coordinates: Lat. 42.0809, Len. -8.4958

986 658 126 - 617 148 866
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